Most houses in Bakersfield are either Apartments or small homes. If you are planning to relocate, this is the safest and crime-free neighborhood to start your life. Although not all the neighborhoods are safe, the majority are smaller and considered crime-free compared to large neighborhoods. For those people planning to buy homes or rent apartments in one of these neighborhoods, there are a lot of houses for sale in Bakersfield, both gated or with restriction to guarantee you enough security. Below are some of the safest neighborhoods in Bakersfield.
Stockdale Estate
This is a crime-free area with a lot of residential apartments and averagely priced homes, the majority of people are homeowners. It has the highest median home for Sale Bakersfield CA of 374700 dollars and a median income of 126104 dollars, mainly to university professors and business executives. The neighborhood has the best shopping centers and amenities where residents hangout, enjoys dining experiences, fitness centers, local parks, and stockade county club. Stockdale also has excellent schools and universities.
Rio Bravo Tuscany
This is a crime-free neighborhood with a significant rural feeling. It is located in the northern part of Bakersfield, and in the foothill with a lot of trails. The trails are perfect for doing exercise, such as running or walking. Tuscany is also peaceful and quiet, and the area is conducive for a person planning to buy a home for sale in Bakersfield, CA, with a friendly atmosphere away from the city noise and air pollution. The neighborhood also has gorgeous parks such as Hart Park, California museum and river Kern County Park. Rio Bravo is surrounded by top-rated schools in Bakersfield, with the majority of the children coming from the surroundings.
Rosedale Estate
Rosedale is the safest neighborhood known to have the best houses for sale in Bakersfield. It has small apartments and single-family homes with 3 to 5 bedrooms owned by owners. It is one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in Bakersfield, with 55.1% of the residents employed in a professional occupation and executive management such as doctors, accountants, and company managers. The area also has the best schools, colleges, and universities with a high number of educated parents.
The place has a mixture of options, especially to someone who is looking for Homes for sale in Bakersfield, CA. Belsare has a variety of beautiful houses with architectural styles from 2 to 4 bedroom homes with outstanding pools. The place also has restaurants, nearby shops and commercial areas such as West Dale Park, Liberty Park, and Rosedale Park. The majority of residents in this neighborhood are homeowners who live in gated homes or restricted apartments, making the place free from crime.
Seven Oaks
Seven Oaks is a neighborhood with both commercial and residential space. It has a population of 7125 people with a median income of 118800 dollars, considered the fastest in growth when it comes to comfortable living. The majority of residents are professionals like salespeople living in gated or restricted homes with the lowest number of crime rates. It also has some of the best amenities, such as clubs, walking trail restaurants, parks, and pools. The place has top-rated schools and a home for California State University.
The neighborhood borders the Kern River to the north and is near the downtown area with a local fishing area at Lake Truxtun. There are varieties of single homes and apartments with different eateries like Singh Thai and The Flame Broiler serving different types of cuisine, such as Italian cuisine. This neighborhood also has schools like Qualiwood elementary school, where most children in the area study and it is surrounded by local universities, and most students prefer living in this area.
Are you a college student looking for a house in Bakersfield? Or looking for a house for sale in Bakersfield, especially to young families? Then this is the safest and most affordable upcoming neighborhood to consider. It is the safest place for kids and has school such as Laurel glen elementary school and different colleges. The area has a population of 8347 people with a median house income of 66200 dollars and a median home listing price of 249970 dollars. It has highly rated apartments such as a west court apartment and single homes. The place also has shopping centers with developing business-like Salty BBQ and Lengthwise Brewing Company. It has surrounded historical sites such as the home to Jewish synagogue Shaba ad baker field.
Central Bakersfield in Downtown
The place is the center of all government activities, big and famous companies, and historical parks like Buena Vista Museum and entertainment activities such as, concerts and sports and great working places. It also has varieties of historical landmarks such as a museum, complexes, and theatres like fox theatre and spotlight. Anyone looking for a house in Bakersfield, especially for business, should consider this place because of the guaranteed safety. It also has some of the most famous restaurants where the majority of people in the area have their lunch and dinner or relaxes after having a long day at work.
Telvis Ranch
Most people believe that this neighborhood is in rural areas .it is considered relatively expensive with a median income that is twice as high compared to other houses for sale in Bakersfield. It is perfect for people who enjoy living a safe, peaceful, and quiet life in the outcast of the city. The houses in this area are mainly residential. It also has a shopping center with a variety of restaurants such as Walgreen and Broken Yolk café. There are also other amenities like the seven oak country club and Pin Oak Park.
When you are looking for a home for sale in Bakersfield CA or houses in Bakersfield, the neighborhood will provide you with a safe, peaceful and conducive environment. Although the majority of the homes are at the outcast of the city, they are still unique with beautiful historical landmarks and museums. They are also surrounded by great universities and schools to provide education to the locals. The places are also crime-free and provide perfect homes for both small and large families, kids, and students.
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