Monday, 9 April 2018

How To Sell or Buy A House with Termite Damage

Can you sell a house with termite damage? Well, National Cash Offer can help you get in the process of selling a house with termites. We can also buy a house with termite damage. Property damage doesn’t effect our opinions or views on whether or not to buy a house with ANY kind of damage. Here are some frequent questions that we receive in regards to termites below:


How fast can termites cause damage? The average colony can eat about one foot of a 2×4 in six months. In eating wood, termites can also make tunnels inside the wood in order to help foster and grow their colonies. Colonies of termites can contain up to about 60,000 termites in total.


Can termites travel from house to house? Yes, termites can travel from house to house, and can eat through even the toughest wood without any coating and without any pesticide in the vicinity. Depending on the vicinity in which they are built closely to each other, termites can definitely travel from house to house.


On the flip-side, buying a house with termites can ultimately effect the damage in your home in the long term. So be careful when buying a home, and it is always beneficial to hire a home inspector to help you search for insects and critters that can deplete your home value and cause problems with your living conditions. Here is the most asked frequent question that we have received from home buyers when asking about potentially buying a house with termite damage:


Should you buy a house with termite damage? These reasons will help you re-evaluate whether you really should buy a house with termite damage. Instead of asking yourself, “Should I buy a house with termite damage?”, you should contact us and we can help you!


Whether we fix your damaged home for you to live in, or fix your damaged home and sell it for you, we will help you! So in case you had doubts before about termite damage, you CAN sell a house or buy a house with termite damage and you can do it today!

The post How To Sell or Buy A House with Termite Damage appeared first on National Cash Offer.


1 comment:

  1. House is a place where you chill, relax and spend almost half of your lifestyle. So, designing your dream house must be a top priority.
