Wednesday 7 August 2019

Why Many Sellers are Staging Homes Virtually

Staging is an incredibly important part of the home selling process.


This is your opportunity to show potential buyers the true appeal as they can see how it looks when it is fully furnished. Many buyers won’t even seriously consider your home if it hasn’t been tastefully staged.


Fortunately, staging your home is easier now than ever before. You can fully stage a vacant home without using a single piece of real furniture.


Virtual staging allows sellers to stage their homes using renderings or photos of furniture. Learn why more and more sellers are choosing to stage their home virtually.


What is Virtual Staging?

Virtual staging is simply the process of using an app or other digital software to add furniture and decor to your home. Often, it’s as simple as dragging and dropping pieces of furniture into each room of your house.


You start by taking a photo of the room you want to stage. Ideally, the room should be empty as it makes staging the room easier. Once you have uploaded the photo, you can sort through a selection of computer-generated furniture to add to your home.


This process makes it easy to quickly and effectively stage your home to present it to potential buyers.


Why Choose Virtual Staging?

Home sellers are choosing virtual staging over traditional staging for a number of reasons.


Let’s take a look at the many benefits offered by virtual home staging.


Virtual Staging is Cost Effective

Traditional home staging is a great way to boost your home’s appeal and sale price, but the upfront costs can be very significant. Even for a smaller home, a full staging can cost several thousand dollars.


However, virtual staging can cost as little as a few hundred dollars. After hiring a photographer to take professional pictures of your home, the virtual staging company can decorate your home with lifelike furniture and decor.



Virtual staging offers a level of flexibility that traditional staging can’t match.


When you stage your home virtually, you can pick from a wide array of styles. You aren’t limited to what is currently available to rent. Additionally, if you find that the way your home is staged isn’t appealing to buyers, you can quickly and easily change your decor to appeal to more visitors.


Great for Sellers Still Living in Their Home

If you’re trying to sell your home before moving to your new property, virtual staging is a much more convenient option.


It allows you to stage your home without requiring you to replace your current furniture or decor. You can continue to live comfortably in your home until the day you move out.


Should You Choose Virtual Staging?

Staging your home virtually is a fantastic option and is a great choice for most sellers.


It is cost-effective, flexible, and convenient. This method makes it easy to attract more potential buyers, boost the value of your home, and sell your house as quickly as possible.


With these benefits, it’s no wonder why more and more sellers are choosing to stage their homes virtually.

The post Why Many Sellers are Staging Homes Virtually appeared first on National Cash Offer.


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